Catalogue for three exhibitions, at the National Museum of Wales, Flowers Gallery and Howard Gardens Gallery. 24 pages, softcover, 23 x 25cm, edition of 1500. ISBN: 1902945-45X
Foreword by Michael Tooby and essay, A Breed of Life, by Sue Hubbard. Paintings made in 2003-2004 for three installations. The first at the National Museum of Wales in the Impressionist Gallery: Robertson made a painting to hang next to van Gogh’s Rain - Auvers 1890. A homage to van Gogh, it was an abstract interpretation of one of his last paintings. She made further paintings on this theme, exhibited alongside other works at Howard Gardens Gallery Cardiff and Flowers, London.


For Vincent Van Gogh – Rain Auvers 3 2003

For Vincent Van Gogh – Rain Auvers 2 2003